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Harassment Prevention Training FAQ

Lyndsay Updated by Lyndsay

This article is for informational purposes regarding EasyLlama's Harassment Prevention courses. We are not able to provide legal compliance advice specific to your organization or situation. More information about state mandates can be found by using our interactive map, but we always recommend consulting an HR Compliance specialist or law firm if you are unsure how these laws apply to your organization and Learners.

Why isn't there a Harassment Prevention course for my state?

CA, CO, CT, DE, IL, ME, NY, and WA all have specific mandates around content and/or course length. The other US states do not and may use the Harassment Prevention: US Supervisor and Harassment Prevention: US Non-Supervisor versions.

Why are there regions in the dashboard for Florida and Texas, but employees in those states are assigned the US version?

Florida and Texas have regional courses with extra content for our HIPAA courses as those two states have privacy laws that exceed the mandates for HIPAA. These do not apply to Harassment Prevention training, so Texas and Florida Learners are assigned the US version of Harassment Prevention.

If our headquarters is in one state, but our employees work in another, which state's course should I assign?
  • While we at EasyLlama cannot provide legal advice on complex compliance situations, the rule of thumb is to assign the course for the region where the employee is physically located when they work.
  • Some employers prefer to assign the All States version (More below) to Supervisors who have direct reports in different states, or to employees who travel or interact frequently with other employees in other states.
  • If your employees are in non-mandate regions and your headquarters are in a mandate region, for example, California, you may safely assign the California course to them, but if they are located in a state that has specific mandated material, assigning them their state's course is best practice.
What if I have employees in different states?

When you assign training, you will be able to choose which state’s training you will provide to each employee. There are dedicated courses for CA, CT, CO, DE, IL, ME, NY, WA, and Canada. For employees in other US States, we have a US version that isn't specific in any one state. We also now offer the US All States version, which covers mandates in all US the states. If you are wondering about specific aspects in different states, please visit our interactive map for more information on training requirements in each state!

What is the difference between US All States and US Harassment Prevention training?

US All States was created to cover the mandates for all states that have specific training mandates (CA, CT, DE, IL, ME, NY, WA) - this was created for employees who work in multiple states, or just to simplify training assignment for companies with employees in different states. There is also a Supervisor version that comes in handy for Supervisors who manage employees in other states. These trainings assure mandate compliance in these situations.

The US Federal training is for states other than CA, CT, DE, IL, ME, NY, or WA. It's shorter than the other versions because there is no state-specific information, and no mandated length requirement. Most employers with learners in Non-Mandate states assign the regular US version. Most employers with learners in mandate states assign the course specific to their W-2 Address's state.

All States is two hours long for both Supervisor and Non-Supervisor, to cover all state-mandated training lengths. These two courses are nearly identical but are named differently for your record-keeping purposes.

What if I have employees located outside of the United States?

We now offer region-specific courses for Australia, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom. We also offer a Worldwide course for other countries. The Worldwide version does not conform to any specific region's laws or mandates. If you are unsure about compliance laws in their region, we suggest reaching out to a law firm or HR firm specializing in compliance.

How do I assign the Spanish version?

The language is chosen by the employee at the beginning of the training, so there is no need to assign a special course!

How often does my staff need to take this training?

Most employers consider it best practice to renew annually for all employees to keep it simple and keep up with any updates. You can review our State Requirement page if you'd like to know more about the differences in individual states. You'll find an interactive map and downloadable guide there.

Is there a refresher course for Learners who already took the full version?

While we offer some useful Llama Bites to enrich Learner understanding of some concepts, for recertification, Learners need to take the full version of the course to remain in compliance.

How do I determine who should take the manager/supervisor course? Do owners need to take it?

While we can't advise legally on your company's compliance, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing says: "A supervisor is anyone with authority to hire, fire, assign, transfer, discipline, or reward other employees. A supervisor is also anyone with the authority to effectively recommend (but not necessarily take) these actions if exercising that authority requires the use of independent judgment."

We think this is a good rule of thumb for any state, and since an owner would fall under this definition, it would be best practice for owners to take the course, too.

Supervisor training is designed, keeping in mind that supervisors have more influence over the workplace, and more responsibility when it comes to responding to harassment complaints, and covers vital information all Supervisors should be aware of.

Do you offer continuous education (CE) credit for single practitioners?

We cannot offer continuous education (CE) credit at this time.

How long is the training?

Run times vary per Region. There is also a lot of variance depending on the individual Learner. We all have different Learning styles - some may read faster, slower, or more carefully.

Times for each state for Supervisor/Non-Supervisor: US 60/30; CA 120/60; IL 120/60; NY 75/45; CT 120/120; ME 70/40; DE 70/40; WA 70/40; Canada 60/45; India 60/45; UK 60/45; Global 60/30; All states 120/120; CO 70/50

We have now added a Colorado version. It is 50 minutes for Non-supervisors and 70 for Supervisors

Does the course have to be watched in one sitting?

No, the course doesn't need to be completed in one sitting. If needed, the training can be paused and resumed anytime. It can also be closed and re-opened from the training link and will resume at the beginning of the same slide.

Will the Illinois version of the course cover the hour of Bystander Intervention training mandated for the City of Chicago?

No, but we do have a separate Bystander Intervention course. There is a general version and a Chicago-specific version. Both versions will cover the mandate, but the Chicago course discusses some topics specific to Chicago.

What are Industry-Specific Harassment Prevention courses?

We have Industry-specific courses that include themes, aesthetic elements, and scenarios specific to different industries to make them more relevant for your Learners. To assign the industry-specific course to all Learners, you can go to Settings > Training Settings and choose your industry. If you have some Learners you would like to take a different version, you can change the Industry setting on their profile by clicking on their name in the Learner list, then the "edit" icon at the top-right, then choose their industry from the drop-down - this will override the companywide setting!

Do my Learners need to take an industry-specific version of Harassment Prevention?

No. This is entirely up to you! There is no requirement for Learners in a particular industry to take the corresponding Harassment Prevention version.

Do business owners have to take Harassment training?

Law may vary on this from region to region, and based on which role the owner plays within the organization. That said, generally, owners do take the Supervisor version of the course. In the context of harassment prevention training mandates, a "supervisor" is typically defined as an individual who has the authority to hire, fire, promote, or discipline employees, or who has the responsibility to direct employees' daily work activities. Most owners have that level of authority over employees.

Aside from mandates, owners still have a responsibility to maintain a harassment-free workplace, and it's beneficial to stay up-to-date with harassment prevention practices and strategies to create a respectful and inclusive work environment and stay informed on any relevant laws and regulations.

Which industries are available?
  • Office - this is the standard version
  • Healthcare
  • Restaurant
  • Hospitality
  • Remote
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing/Logistics
  • Construction
  • Education
  • Government

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Course Information and FAQ - HIPAA

How do I assign the Spanish version of a course?
