What is a "Preferred Name" in EasyLlama Training?

Lyndsay Updated by Lyndsay

For a variety of reasons a person may not use their birth name or legal name and prefer not to be addressed by it. Employers may need to use the birth name or legal name for their records, but the Learner can choose how they are addressed during our courses and on the Learner-facing training dashboard.

During a course's onboarding, the Learner is given the opportunity to change the name used to address them - this is their preferred name.

When they change the name on this screen, their preferred name choice is recorded and used going forward during current and future courses and on the Learner-facing dashboard. Each course will greet them with their preferred name, but they can also change it again if they wish.

Changing their preferred name will not change their name in your dashboard or on their certificate of completion. The name on a Learner's dashboard record can only be changed by admins, or for Unlimited subscribers, by EasyLlama Support. Certificates for completed courses can only be changed by EasyLlama Support.

If you are using an integration, the Learner's name will appear is it does in your integrated software. Updating the name on their record will be reversed on the next sync.

🦙Llama Tip: We don't ever want to deadname your Learner or call them by an incorrect name. If for any reason a given or legal name must be used in your HR software, but you'd like a preferred name to appear in the EasyLlama dashboard and on the Learner's certificate, please contact Support and we can disable syncing and change the name for that record so it doesn't change back. We can also change the preferred name as long as at least one course is assigned or completed, and we can regenerate certificates for their courses to show their correct name. We take this very seriously, and will be happy to help with any issues that arise when using our software - please reach out to support@easyllama.com and we'll be happy to help.

Here are some examples of where the preferred name is used:

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