Learning Journeys

Lyndsay Updated by Lyndsay

New Feature: The delay between courses may now be changed for both custom and pre-built Learning Journeys! Just click the drop-down to change it. Your change will be saved automatically. For Learners who are already enrolled, if you choose a delay that is shorter than the elapsed time since their last course, it will be assigned within 24 hours. If you select a longer delay, it will also apply to them and assign the course per the new schedule.

Learning Journeys allow you to assign a series of courses to your Learners. You can assign them all at once, or set them to be assigned successively, as each course is completed. You can take advantage of EasyLlama's prebuilt Journeys, or create your own custom Journeys using any EasyLlama course.

This article will cover the basics, and how to use prebuilt Learning Journeys. If you'd like to learn how to create a custom Learning Journey, you can find all of the information you need here: Creating Custom Learning Journeys

We have also created a video tutorial! You can view it here: Video: Creating and Customizing Learning Journeys

Exploring the Learning Journeys Tab - The Basics

To get started, click on the Llama prints button to access the Learning Journeys tab in your dashboard.

On the Learning Journeys tab, you'll see our recommended prebuilt Learning Journeys. You can click "View All" or click on the Library tab to see all preset journeys. To learn more about each Journey, click on the picture or title of the Journey.

On the Learning Journey's page, you will see a description of the Journey, and a list of courses that will be assigned during the course of the Journey.

Between each course, you can see the amount of time that will pass before the next course is assigned. For all prebuilt Journeys, this is one month:

When enrolling a Learner in a prebuilt Learning Journey, the first course will be assigned immediately. Each successive course will be automatically assigned based on the timing seen between courses, in this case one month. The Learner will also be automatically notified that the course has been assigned, just like they are when you assign a course individually.

Enrolling your Learners in a Learning Journey

There are two ways to enroll your Learners in a Learning Journey: from the Learning Journey's page or using Bulk Actions.

To Enroll through the Learning Journey page:
  1. From the Learning Journey tab, click on the Journey of your choice to be taken to its page.
  2. From the Journey's page click the Purple "Enroll" button at the top-right:
  1. Select the Learners you'd like to enroll. You may find them by scrolling or using the Search bar at the top-right, which also includes a filter button. When you have made your selections, click "Next" at the bottom.
  1. Choose when you would like to notify your Learners and then click "Enroll."
  2. That's it! Your Learners will be notified, and will be able to take the course by clicking the link they receive.
To Enroll using Bulk Actions:
  1. From the Learners tab of your dashboard, select the Learners you'd like to enroll in the Learning Journey by checking the boxes next to their names; the purple Bulk Actions bar will appear. Click the "More" dropdown and choose "Enroll in Learning Journeys:"
  2. Choose when you would like to notify your Learners and then click "Enroll."
  3. That's it! Your Learners will be notified, and will be able to take the course by clicking the link they receive.
🦙 Fun Llama Fact: Did you know that, unlike many pack animals, llamas don't have hooves? Instead, they have padded feet with two toes that spread apart, providing them with excellent balance and traction on different types of terrain, including steep slopes!

How did we do?

Creating Custom Learning Journeys

Video: Creating and Customizing Learning Journeys
