Namely Integration

Lyndsay Updated by Lyndsay

Namely Integration is a one-way integration that will allow you to sync Learners daily, auto-assign courses, and send notifications. To get started, please follow the steps below.

  1. Add a New User in Namely(Optional)
  • While you can generate an API key under your own user, it is recommended to add another user to your Namely account just for the purpose of this integration.
  • Go to the settings of your Namely account and click Users. Add a user called "easyllama" and grant it read-only access to all basic employee data (name, contact info, work location, department, manager, etc.)
  1. Generate an API Key
  • If you have created an "easyllama" user in the previous step, simply log in with that user. Otherwise remain logged in.
  • Click on your name in the upper-right corner and then click on "API keys."
  • Click on Personal Access Tokens.
  • Enter EasyLlama in the Name field and click Create to generate an API key
  • Copy that key!
  1. Add your Domain and API Key in the EasyLlama Dashboard
  • In your EasyLlama Dashboard, go to Settings > Integrations and click "Connect" on the Namely tile. Paste your API key in the "Access Token" field, and your Namely domain name in the Account Name field..
  • Example: if your Namely domain is then just enter acme
  • Once those have been entered, click "Save."
  1. Adjust your Integration settings - please see this article for more details: Integration Settings
  2. That's it! Congratulations!

Your Namely account is now connected to EasyLlama. Employees will synchronize on a daily basis.

Fields that sync





Job title


Office phone




Employee ID

Employee ID

Department (deprecated)

Department (deprecated)

Start date

Start date

Employee type

Employment type



Office (home - when office address not provided)


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