Table of Contents

Getting Started - Customizing your EasyLlama Dashboard

Lyndsay Updated by Lyndsay

Here are a few basic steps to set up your organization and get ready to start training!

🦙Llama Pro tip: To see a comprehensive setup video, click here: Onboarding with EasyLlama - A Video Introduction to EasyLlama - it's highly recommended for all admins!🦙
Adding Additional Dashboard Admins

Go to Settings > Users

Dashboard Admins can log in to your dashboard, add Learners, assign courses, and other administrative functions. Learners do not need to be added as admins.

Go to Settings > Users > Add User > Add their name, email, and Type of Access. They will be sent a validation email giving them access. For more information on the different access levels, see Add Additional Dashboard Admins.

Your Profile

Go to Settings > My Profile

Here you can add or change your name, Time Zone, Email and password.

Some settings changes may require you to enter your current EasyLlama password before saving.

Personal and Company-Wide Notification Settings

Go to Settings > Notifications

  • Company-wide Notifications - This is where you can choose to send notifications to Managers when their Learners complete their training - even if the manager isn't an admin! If they are in the dashboard as a Learner and listed on the Learner's profile as their direct supervisor, they will receive email notifications when their direct reports complete courses.
  • Your preferences for this email address: Here you can toggle to decide which email notifications you will receive. Simply make your selections and click "Save."
General Organization Settings

Go to Settings > Organization

Make adjustments or corrections to your Organization's name, address, and Legal Business Name is the company name that will appear on your certificates.

  • Drop your Logo – Upload your logo to appear on your courses and certificates. Simply drag the logo and drop it or click “Browse File” to get started. the recommended size is 250px squared. Note: The help text says only JPEG and PNG files are accepted - and we mean it! If your logo is in JPG format, save it as a JPEG before uploading it. These file extensions are synonymous, but the uploader is choosy!
  • Brand Colors - Add your brand colors to change the color of some buttons and menus within your courses!
Training Settings

Go to Settings > Training Settings

  • Due Date: This is the default Due Date for all courses from the date they are assigned.
  • Industry: If there is an industry-specific version of a course for the Industry you choose for your organization, this setting will affect which course is assigned automatically by integration or file upload. If there is not, your Learners will be assigned the standard version. To be sure to assign the Standard version, you may leave this blank or choose "Services" if you already chose another industry and want to change back to the standard version.
  • Automated Reminders – Click to toggle Automated Reminders on or off to decide whether automated reminders will be sent to Learners. You may also choose whether you'd like reminders to be sent on all days of the week or only on weekends. "Daily" means reminders will be sent at the usual cadence and can be sent on any day of the week. Note: This does not mean that reminders will be sent every day. "Weekdays Only" means reminders will only be sent Monday through Friday.
    For more information about reminders, please see the Due Dates and Reminders FAQ.
Recertification Settings

Go to Settings > Recertification

  • Recertification Frequency defines how often your Learners will be recertified on any given course. If you would like to customize how often your Learners need to recertify, you can change the values using the dropdowns to the right of each course title. More information about Recertification frequency can be found here: Training Recertification Frequency - How do I change how often a course is assigned?
  • Automatic Recertification Setting - This setting is located at the top-right corner of the Recertification tab. You can turn automatic recertification on or off using the toggle. When enabled, Learners will be automatically assigned their recertifications and sent notifications on the day they are due to recertify. The week before, on Wednesday, the admin users will be sent an email letting you know who will be assigned recertification training the next week. For more on this topic click here: New! Automatic Training Recertification Assignment (Formerly known as renewals)

Go to Settings > Policies

Upload your Policies -You can upload PDF Documents of your Organization's policies, to be viewed and downloaded at the end of a course. You may upload different policies for each course type and you may also choose multiple courses to connect to one policy. Just click the Upload button at the top-right and choose your policy and which course(s) it applies to, what type of policy it is, and give it a name!

Policy Acknowledgement - This feature will ask your Learners to acknowledge your uploaded policy when they have completed the course. They will need to view the policy and sign using the e-signature feature to acknowledge the policy. This setting can be found when uploading your Policy, or by clicking the three dots on the tile of the policy you already added and clicking "Edit."

Policy Acknowledgement is available for Enterprise accounts and can be added to Starter and Pro subscriptions for an annual fee. Please contact if you would like to add this feature.


Now that you have set up your dashboard, you're ready to add learners! Please see Adding Learners to your Dashboard next!

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Departments Feature

How do I add or remove columns from my dashboard view?
