Early Subscription Renewal

Lyndsay Updated by Lyndsay

If you are within 60 days of your renewal you may be eligible to self-renew with the new Early Renewal feature. This feature allows you to renew your subscription and get your new seats early.

To check your eligibility: Go to Settings > Billing in your dashboard. Click "details" on the Current Subscription tile. If your account is eligible for early self-renewal, you will see a link to renew early next to your renewal date. Click on the "Renew now" link to renew your subscription immediately. You will be given the total and asked to confirm. Once you confirm, you will be charged to your primary payment method and your subscription will be renewed.

If you need fewer seats, please be sure to downgrade before renewing early. Please note - if you downgrade, this could raise the price of your licenses.

Don't see the Early Renewal option? You may still be able to renew early. Reach out to accounts@easyllama.com to request early renewal and an Account Manager will assist you.

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